Mexico Sex Partners Magazine

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dick drop

by reafyforu1997 6/20/2018

by Quadcitytoy 6/20/2018
Waiting for Perfection?

by Sunaj2017 6/20/2018

by TASTYME_4U 6/20/2018
Threesomes ffm, fwf

by Sweetdaleman 6/20/2018
World Cup cheekiness

by Tinosturn 6/20/2018
Pride contest? As IF?

by dabless 6/19/2018
Are men still men?

by MsCarlalee 6/19/2018
What do women want to be asked on IM?

by downonyou314 6/19/2018
Dick pic's

by Michaelmjblucas1 6/19/2018
Gift of Love

by sussi1028 6/19/2018

by sidelooker007 6/19/2018

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{{else}} {{#unless _nComments}}
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{{/unless}} {{/if}} {{/if}} {{#each comments}}
{{handle}} {{_std_gender}}
{{#if confirmid}} {{else}} {{#if _is_verified}} {{/if}} {{/if}} {{#if _is_vip}} {{else}} {{#if _is_gold}} {{/if}} {{/if}} {{#if _is_online}} {{/if}}
{{#if id}}
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{{/each}} {{#if _has_comments_more}} {{/if}}
{{#if _has_updateMsg}}
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{{/if}} {{#if _has_updateMsg}} {{/if}}
{{#if _is_available}} {{#if _hasErotic}}
{{/if}} {{#if _is_pic}} {{else}}
{{/if}} {{else}}
{{/if}} {{! _is_available }}
{{! #likebox-left-bd}}
{{! likebox-left}} {{/unless}}
{{#if _is_available}} {{else}} {{/if}}
{{#if _is_available}} {{hasit.handle}} {{else}} {{hasit.handle}} {{/if}} {{hasit.std_gender}}
{{#if _is_available}}
{{#if owner._is_confirmed}} Confirmed {{else}} {{#if owner._is_verified}} Verified {{/if}} {{/if}} {{#if owner._is_vip}} VIP {{else}} {{#if owner._is_gold}} Gold {{/if}} {{/if}} {{#if}} Online {{/if}}
{{#if owner._photos}} {{owner._txt_photo_count}} {{/if}} {{#if owner._videos}} {{owner._txt_video_count}} {{/if}} {{#if owner._friends}} {{owner._txt_friend_count}} {{/if}}
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{{#if contest._is_opening}} {{#if contest._is_contest_page}}
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{{/if}} {{/if}} {{#if contest._is_finalist}} {{#if contest._is_show_winner}} {{#if contest._rank}} {{else}} {{#if contest._is_special_prize}} {{else}} {{/if}} {{/if}} {{else}} {{/if}} {{/if}}
{{#if contest._is_contest_page}} {{#if contest._is_opening}} {{#if contest._is_contest_page}} {{#if contest._is_voting}} {{#if contest._is_finalist}} {{#unless contest.vote_this}} Vote {{/unless}} {{/if}} {{/if}} {{/if}} {{/if}} {{/if}}
{{#if contest._is_opening}} {{#if contest._is_contest_page}} {{#if contest._is_voting}} {{#if contest._is_finalist}} Finalist in the {{contest.title}}
{{contest._txt_votes}} {{else}} Entered in the {{contest.title}}
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{{contest.title}} {{/if}} {{else}} {{#if contest._is_voting}} {{#if contest._is_finalist}} Finalist in the {{contest.title}}
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See the finalists and cast your vote! {{/if}} {{else}} Entered in the {{contest.title}}
Like & Comment to make {{him}} a finalist {{/if}} {{/if}} {{else}} {{! is finished}} {{#if contest._is_finalist}} {{#if contest._is_show_winner}} {{#if contest._rank}} {{contest._rank}} in the {{contest.title}} {{else}} {{#if contest._is_special_prize}} {{contest._text_special_prize}} in the {{contest.title}} {{else}} Finalist in the {{contest.title}} {{/if}} {{/if}} {{else}} Finalist in the {{contest.title}} {{/if}} {{else}} Entered in the {{contest.title}} {{/if}} {{/if}}
{{!likebox-contest}} {{/if}} {{#if _is_status}}
{{hasit.handle}}'s status
{{#if _nComments}}
{{#if _nLikes}}
{{/if}} {{#if _nComments}}
{{/if}} {{#if _nViews}}
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{{! likebox-main}}